Today lil sis got to come to school and meet her preK teacher.
It was cool because she knew and liked her from our previous preschool.
Daddy was able to take her while mommy met her new class.
Her class theme is Zealous Zebras so of course we dressed the part and had a gift.
Giving Ms. Jody so me love
and meeting Ms. Mary.
These are two special, Godly women and I know He has big plans for the new program and our Little Knight. She is excited to be at school with big sis, brother and momma. ( Momma is too!)
There were babies and markers...she's hooked!
The picture she is working on was to be a self portrait. She drew herself and daddy. I will also add she wrote both of their names on the picture.
She one of the youngest but I have advised her teachers to not count her out!!
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